The yard was full of junk. Old and new cars, some with government plates on them were slowly eaten up by ferrous oxide. I was wondering where all this junk came from and

That place was just a perfect location for a shoot. Just next to the traffic division was an army camp. Battle-tested soldiers cheered on as the models started posing. One came near and tried to ask for one of the models' mobile numbers. It took less than a blink of an eye to make Al strike a deal- mobile number for some poses with his service firearm. That was the easiest way to disarm the soldier! I guess the "Abu's" should change their tactics then. LOL! Too bad for soldier boy, Ms. model gave him a random mobile number!

Ever wanted to distract traffic? here's what you should do:

It was fun to shoot but without strobes, the sun was dictating the duration of our session. We ended up in Chowking (thanks for the food, Al) and realized we did not have a "group hug" just before we parted ways.