Another photowalk- this time at Dubai Festival City, all just to feed curiousity that was rising as someone at work stumbled upon their site, http://www.monstertruckshowdubai.co.uk/.
Since the show lasted only an hour, we didn't mind getting standing tickets. All we wanted was to aim nikkors and fire away. A designated seat would certainly be a hinderance to capturing different angles of the stunts.

As the show started, dirtbikes, a buggy a quad and a "honkey tonkey" ferroza paraded along the make-shift arena. ( It was actually part of the parking lot) The commentator tried his best to make a lively show, but his way of entertaining just doesn't click with an audience who would rather have listened to an interpretation in their local language. He spent a considerable percentage of his time asking the audience to cheer rather than introducing the next stunt. My sympathy to the team doing stunts without any applause. (or maybe they failed to impress the audience?)

About three fourths of the show were dirtbike and big bike stunts. The dirtbike stunts were ok- jumping over cars and other stuff, while the big bike stunts were just something one can regularly see done by dare devils and adrenaline junkies on the highways of Dubai: smoking tires, doing wheelies. (what else?)

The feroza did a two-wheel stunt, and I wish I could say more.

As the final 10 minutes of the show came, the monster trucks were introduced. One broke down while doing a rambage over a pile of junk cars, and the other just did circles while the comentator was stressing the thousands of UK pounds spent on the car and the high fuel consumption (he must have forgotten he was in Dubai- a place where water is more expensive than gasoline) At last, that truck did its rampage over the junk, and that ended the show.
At the end of the show, I would only imagine the queen's voice, in its perfectly royal Brittish accent saying: "We are not amused...."
*** The stunts did a perfectly good job and a lot of skill and talent were seen. I am only expressing MY own point of view about the show. Having seen a number of similar stunts performed around the world, this show just did not meet my expectations. (or was it too hot to appreciate ther stunts? Blame it on the unforgiving arabian sun...)